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Here is my new recently published book



The Rainbow Centre

During 2022 Debra Steven managed to donate 500 books to various children's organisations and charities, including children who cannot access books easily. Here are just some of the places which have excepted and received

'The Little Voice Adventures book'


The Rainbow Centre.

Naomi House.Jack's Place.

Mary Rose School.

Southsea Mobile Library.

Catherine Booth Lifehouse.

 Primary and Secondary School in Zambia.

Turkey - relief aid from the recent Earthquake disaster in southern and central Turkey and northern and western Syria. The Hope Foundation for children in Kolkata and some of the most underprivileged in India. Book Aid International - Kenya.

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Some of my Characters...

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Tootina is part of the Worry Chicks stories and sits with Toot on the branches of Willow, their faithful friend!


Bip & Bop are two little worry chicks who live beneath Willow in their nest. They are mentored by their dear friends Toot and Willow.

This is Willow, a beautiful and faithful friend of Toot and the Worry Chicks, Bip & Bop! He lives on the edge of Puffin Pond.


This is Toot, the wise old owl, who helps the Worry Chicks Bip & Bop, to learn. He lives on Puffin pond on the branches of his dear friend Willow!


The Ark Angels are a group of celestial animals who reside in the heavenly skies. They have many adventures and learnings and they all live in the wonderful Ark in the heavens!

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This is the Pocket family from Pagnington... they have many adventures in their home and around the forest on the edge of a cliff in Pagnington Bay!

Debra Steven's Characters!

The Worry Chicks...

Here is a little more information on some of the characters from my recently published stories...

The Worry Chicks...

Bip and Bop are scared of noises in the dark so Toot explains to them that each noise or shadow has a perfectly normal reason.  For instance Willow has to stretch and sway just as she does during the daytime.  The only difference is that she is doing it by moonlight instead of sunlight.

Ark Angels...

The Ark Angels are all about the celestial realm of the animal kingdom. All the animals have vibrant coloured wings and live in an ark in the heavens... in this story griffiti has a sore throat and goes on an adventure to try and find something to sooth his neck. He tries many ideas from each of his friends...

Pagnington Pockets...

This story introduces the characters the Pockets and also Pagnington Lodge where they all reside.  Papa Moan is finishing off building the twins a tree house.  Mama Shine is busy with the laundry and baking a strawberry cheesecake which is Nofee their pet’s favourite food.

The twins are always up to mischief and decide to tie the washing line to a sleeping Nofee’s tail.  He wakes with a start and the twins chase him around the garden and kitchen causing chaos for Mama Shine.  Papa Moan blows his whistle to signify the tree house has now been completed.  The excited twins rush out to see it and as usual poor Mama Shine is left to tidy up the mess.

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